Parivarthana Yoga

Date 12 Dec 2023

"Parivarthana" means "to rotate", "to exchange", "to overturn" or "to return". Parivarthana Yoga is formed when two planets exchange places, i.e. it is formed when a planet is in a sign whose ruler occupies the sign belonging to it. In other words, there is an exchange of location (or signs).

Example: The Sun is in Aries, while its ruler Mars is in Leo. This planetary arrangement forms a Parivarthana - an exchange between the Sun and Mars. This combination is called Parivarthana Yoga.

When Parivarthana is formed in the horoscope, the planets involved in it act as one. The nature of their action depends on the nature of the Parivarthana.

Parivarthana Yoga can be formed as a result of: (1) exchange of signs, (2) exchange of Nakshatras, (3) exchange of house significators. The three types of Parivarthana are called:

  1. Rashi and Amsha-Parivarthana. Formed when there is a Parivarthana between signs in the Rashi chart or the Navamsha chart, respectively.
  2. Jiva-Parivarthana or Nakshatra-Parivarthana. Formed when there is an exchange of Nakshatras or their rulers.
  3. Karaka-Parivarthana. Formed when there is an exchange between house significators. For example, if the Sun (significator of the 1st house) is in the 5th house, and Jupiter (significator of the 5th house) is in the 1st house.

When the rulers of two signs exchange places, Rashi-Parivarthana is formed. Such Parivarthana can occur at different levels.

  • Guna. Reflects the essence of the exchange.
  • Tattva. Character of the change.
  • Bhava. Life sphere affected by the exchange.

By considering the Gunas of the planets, one can determine whether the exchange will lead to a better or worse outcome. For example: if the Parivarthana occurs due to an exchange between Jupiter (Sattva Guna) and Saturn (Tamas Guna), then one can expect either an elevation from the level of Tamas to the level of Sattva, or a fall from Sattva to Tamas. In the latter case, very unfavorable results will manifest.

If the Tattvas of the two planets act together, it promotes a harmonious and faster achievement of a specific goal. If their Tattvas are not friendly towards each other, one of them will suffer due to the incompatibility of planetary energies.

The Bhavas involved in the Parivarthana indicate the life spheres affected by the exchange. For example, if the 7th house is involved in the combination, then the exchange of planets will bring about changes in relationships. If the Ascendant is involved, there will be a change in the character of the native.

Source: Basic course of Vedic astrology at Vasiliy Tushkin's "Surya-Siddhanta" school